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8 January - 14 January
Механічний факультет
Іноземних мов
Весняний семестр
Англійська мова / Е, ЕА, ЕП, ЕПП
8 January - 14 January
Section outline
1 January - 7 January
15 January - 21 January
Заняття 8. Getting Acquainted with People. Оборот to be going to
Ознайомлення з оборотом to be going to, засвоювання кліше за темою «Знайомство»
Select activity Форум ‘Some people find it difficult to meet new people. What advice can you give them to feel free during their first conversation?
Форум ‘Some people find it difficult to meet new people. What advice can you give them to feel free during their first conversation?
1 January - 7 January
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19 March - 25 March
15 January - 21 January