Теми тижня

  • Загальне

    • 31 January - 06 Fabruary

      Topic1 Introduction to the discipline, its subject and tasks. General information about transmissions of building and road machines. The structure and content of the discipline, its relationship with other subjects. Basic parameters and classification of BRM transmissions. Types of constructive unification, aggregation, modular design.

    • 07 Fabruary - 13 Fabruary

      Topic2 Nomenclature of internal engines combustionused in road construction and municipal engineering. Initial characteristics of power lipsatkuvann. Methods of their construction.

    • 14 Fabruary - 20 Fabruary

      Topic3 Forces acting on earth-moving and hoisting-and-transport machines in working mode. Resistance forces to digging and movement. The nature of these forces. Slope resistance force. Air resistance. The force of inertia resistance. Traction and speed. Traction on the clutch and the factors affecting the traction of the machines.

      • 21 лютий - 27 лютий

        Topic4 Traction dynamics of BDM machines. Power balance of earth-moving and hoisting-and-transport machines in working mode.
        • 28 лютий - 6 березень

          Topic4 Grapho-analyticalNo methods solving practical engineering problems. Traction characteristic. Calculation, construction and practical use.

          • 7 березень - 13 березень

            Topic 5 Construction of graphs of dynamic indicators of BDM. Dynamic characteristics and dynamic passport of earth-transport and hoisting-transport machines

            • 14 березень - 20 березень

              Topic 5 Calculation, construction and use. Determination of motion parameters in solving practical problems.

              • 21 березень - 27 березень

                Topic 6 Fundamentals of the theory of stability and rotation of BDM. Stability, maneuverability and passability of earth-moving and hoisting-and-transport machines. The main indicators and factors influencing their change. Determination of stability of machines in different modes of movement. Critical speed when turning. Critical angle of transverse slope.

                • 28 березень - 3 квітень

                  Topic 7 Dynamics of acceleration and braking of machines. Traction and dynamic indicators of BDM. Calculation and plotting of accelerations. Indicators of braking dynamics. Determining the time and path of braking. Braking efficiency of hoisting and transport machines.

                  • 4 квітень - 10 квітень

                    Topic 8 Indicators of power and energy saturation of machines. Powerful balance of construction machines. Power take-off mechanism.

                    • 11 квітень - 17 квітень

                      Topic 9 The main parameters of hydromechanical transmissions BDM. The procedure for calculating machines with hydromechanical transmissions.

                      • 18 квітень - 24 квітень

                        Topic 9 The main parameters of hydromechanical transmissions BDM. The procedure for calculating machines with hydromechanical transmissions.

                        • 25 квітень - 1 травень

                          Topic 10 Hydraulic transmission. Appointment. Classification. Building. Principle of action. Calculations of basic parameters

                          • 2 травень - 8 травень

                            Topic 10 Hydraulic transmission. Appointment. Classification. Building. Principle of action. Calculations of basic parameters

                            • 9 травень - 15 травень

                              Topic 11 Electromechanical transmission. Purpose of electromechanical transmission. Requirements. Classification. Construction. Principle of action.

                              • 16 травень - 22 травень

                                Topic 11 Electromechanical transmission. Purpose of electromechanical transmission. Requirements. Classification. Construction. Principle of action.